"The changing American family" by Natalie Angier at The New York Times.
"Area residents divided on 'Fifty Shades of Grey'" by Adam Poulisse at the Daily Chronicle.
"BDSM communities are less rapey than the general population" by Steven Blum at Broadly.
"Sadomaso de muy buen rollo" by Javier Yanes at El Espanol.
"Six myths about BDSM debunked by science" by Dr. Zhana at Volonte.
"Should we teach teens about BDSM in sex ed?" by Leigh Cuen at Mic.
"Could teaching BDSM in sex-ed reduce rape?" by The Young Turks.
"#BDSM benefits so great they should be taught to kids #newstudy" by Dr. Gloria Brahme.
"What BDSM might teach us about affirmative consent" by Tom Parisi at the NIU Newsroom.
"What BDSM might teach us about affirmative consent" at Science Blog.
"Members of the BDSM community are basically consent experts" by Suzannah Weiss at Glamour.
"Bed & breakfast & bondage" by Lauren Reno at Urban Plains.
"Your brain on BDSM: Why getting spanked and tied up makes you feel high" by Gareth May at Broadly.